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Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

Wellbeing, Pastoral and Community Care is a priority at King Alfred’s Academy as we believe that a successful education starts with a strong partnership between the school, students and parents.

To support our students, we have an Inclusion Hub on both Centre and West Sites, which house a comprehensive pastoral team who ensure that pastoral support is at the forefront of everything we do. Key to this work are our Student Managers and Heads of Year, who are the key points of contact for parents and carers and who typically stay with their year groups as they progress from Year 7 to 11.

The Pastoral Team

Head of Pastoral Support

Mrs Martin 

Head of Student Wellbeing

Mr Sheppard

Head of Year 7

Mrs Atkins

Student Manager of Year 7

Miss Weller

Head of Year 8

Mr Shaw

Student Manager of Year 8

Mrs Underwood

Head of Year 9

Mr Jones

Student Manager of Year 9

Mrs Buckingham

Head of Year 10

Mr Sheppard

Student Manager of Year 10

Ms Cross

Head of Year 11

Mr Taylor

Student Manager of Year 11

Mrs Hall

Head of Sixth Form

Mr Hogan

Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Mr Johnson

Student Manager of Year 12/13

Ms Smith

It is important that students know we are there for them when support and advice is needed and the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Tolerance are driven through everything we do. Ultimately, this means that our students feel safe and happy at school.

Education and support are also afforded to students via weekly assemblies, tutorial sessions and Personal Development (PSHCE) sessions which address issues relevant to health and wellbeing.

We have also created a useful booklet entitled “Promoting Positive Mental Health” which has been compiled with the help of parents; The Educational Psychology Service; Public Health Oxford; Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Oxford); The King Alfred’s Academy Counselling Services and academy staff – download it from the bottom of this page.

Anti Bullying

Our Anti-Bullying Policy is available to view on our Policies page.

Reporting concerns: Mr Sheppard, Head of Student Wellbeing, oversees our anti-bullying policy. If you have any concerns surrounding bullying, please pass this information to or, in writing, to any of the Site Offices marked ‘Confidential – Student Wellbeing Concern’.

Community Events

To support our parents, we deliver successful Community Wellbeing Events throughout the year, covering topics such as ‘how to have difficult conversations with teenagers’ and ‘dealing with anxiety in children’.  We work collaboratively with outside agencies and professionals to ensure our parents are both supported and empowered to support their child/ren.

We also provide guidance on how to support positive mental health and offer a ‘signposting service’ which enables parents to feel confident in in supporting their children.