Sport (option)
Our aim: Ignite a passion in every young person by creating memories, both inside and outside the classroom, to give them the knowledge and confidence they need to make a lifelong commitment to their physical, mental and social well-being.
Curriculum Overview
In Years 9 to 11 all students continue the Core PE curriculum – they also have the option of studying the Sport and Exercise Studies option in Year 9, and GCSE PE or BTEC Sport in Years 10 and 11.
The Year 9 Sport and Exercise Studies course develops knowledge and understanding of the principles underpinning sport and exercise, allowing students to take a responsibility in making decisions about their own physical health and activity levels.
In Level 2 BTEC Sport students take a more vocational approach, following a pathway that feeds individuals’ curiosity through exploring the sports industry, developing knowledge and applying it to the chosen context.
Year 9 Sport and Exercise Studies option topics
Big Questions Terms 1 and 2: What are the Components of Fitness? How can they be tested and applied to Badminton?
- Components of Fitness
- Warm up and cool down
- Fitness Tests
- Rules and regulations of Badminton
- Technical and tactical knowledge of Badminton
Big Question Terms 3 and 4: How does Football use different types of training within the development of skills and fitness?
- Aerobic & Anaerobic Exercise
- Types of Training
- Principles of Training
- Officiating in Football
Big Question Terms 5 and 6: How is the body built to support movement and performance in Netball?
- Basic Movements
- The Skeletal System
- The Muscular System
- Technical & Tactical knowledge of Netball
Year 10 BTEC Sport topics
Big Question: How can I improve my own and other participants sporting performance?
- Components of physical fitness and skill related fitness
- Roles and responsibilities of the specific officials in a range of sports
- Rules and regulations in sports
- Planning drills and conditioned practices
Year 11 BTEC Sport topics
Big Question: How do I Prepare Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity
- Types and providers of sports activities
- Types of participants
- Barriers for participation and how to overcome them
- Types of equipment, technology and clothing used for sports participation
- How to prepare participants for physical activity (Warm up’s)
Big Question: How can I Develop Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity?
- The importance of components of fitness on sporting performance
- Methods of training
- Principles of training
- Exercise intensity
- Fitness testing
- Effects of long term fitness training on the body systems
- How to create a personal training programme.